It’s no secret that I do not align with B L M or A N T I F A groups. In fact, after my daughter’s tweet in June that went viral around the world, I think it’s hard to keep that a secret. I have talked with multiple supporters of B L M and A N T I F A that helped to get some additional perspective with their position.
I think everyone can agree with the sentiment of supporting individuals who may be disenfranchised or at a disadvantage in America, although, there still is no better country in the world than the USA for opportunity and advancement, no matter your starting point. After all, 40 Million illegal immigrants can’t be wrong, can they? People come here for a reason. It is still the land of opportunity and freedom. No one is trying to get into Venezuela, Cuba or Russia.
These groups however, do not have the individual in mind. Their structure does not match the sentiment. It sounds good on the surface and at first glance, but peel back the curtain a bit and you see their true agenda. These are anti-American, anti-individual Marxist groups that do not build up, they only destroy.
That is why I have come to the conclusion that I hate B L M and A N T I F A. It isn’t just a dislike or intolerance; it is a visceral gut level hatred, the way that the left hates Trump and his supporters. That level of hate is where I am. Where we differ is that where the left will actually attack, destroy property and even kill those who disagree, I only use my superior logic, reason and evidence to destroy their feeble arguments.
It is not their stupidity that causes me such disdain for their group. It’s not their stated goal of equity and equal outcomes, although I find that idea in and of itself to be utterly disgusting. I’m all for equal opportunity, but equal outcomes is an evil and disastrous idea.
No, my hatred for organizations like B L M and A N T I F A is much simpler and basic than that. I simply hate bullies. It’s something I discovered I hated years ago when I was being picked on by a bully and saw others getting picked on.
I remember one time when a fraternity brother of mine was picking on a weaker dude when we were walking out of a bar. The weakling didn’t do anything wrong or provoke my friend in any way. He just looked like a weakling so my buddy started to pick a fight. That disgusted me and I defended the weakling and fought against my buddy. That is how much I hate bullies; I turned on a friend for being an A-hole.
That is what B L M and A N T I F A groups are. They are simply, bullies. They do not talk, they punish. They do not negotiate or try to persuade, instead they manipulate and force compliance. They’re the textbook definition of a “bully.” They intimidate and threaten the weak. That is why you don’t see these groups in conservative, gun toting areas. Those areas are strong and bullies shy away from strength, because they are wussies.
This week, a 22 year old girl plead guilty for her involvement in the riots in Grand Rapids, MI earlier this year. Somehow, she was manipulated into believing that rioting and destroying property was the best way to get her point across. This is what these toxic groups do. They prey on the weak.
It reminds me of King Solomon’s message to his son when he said, “Do not move the ancient boundary or go into the fields of the fatherless,” Going into the fields of the fatherless is what B L M and A N T I F A are doing today. They flourish among the fatherless and prey on and manipulate these young “skulls full of mush,” recruiting them into these destructive organizations. Then they go out and bully others into submission. “Comply or die” is their mantra and I detest it.
Some have said, “RJ, you shouldn’t hate, that’s not very Christian of you.” Ha! Read your Bible again and do a quick search on the words “love” and “hate;” then do a study on what the Lord “loves” and what He “hates.” You might be surprised at what you find, IF you have the courage to look.
The bottom line is, because I love people, I hate groups like B L M and A N T I F A.
[1] Proverbs 23:10