When I was raising my children, I would use cookies to illustrate a point. One time, I wanted to teach the idea of sharing. David and Katie, my two oldest, were sitting around the table with the youngest at the time, Stephanie. I had given two cookies to David and Katie, but I did not give any to Stephanie.
I asked David is he would be willing to share one of his cookies with Stephanie since he had two and she had none. It was completely up to him to share or not and told him that directly You don’t have to, they are your cookies. But, alas, he took one of his cookies and gave it to his little sister Stephanie.
I think Katie was nervous that I would ask her to do the same, because when I did not ask her, she had a look of relief on her face. “Whew!” I think she thought to herself, “I dodged that one.”
But, while they were enjoying their cookies, I grabbed two more from the plate in the kitchen and gave two more to David. I said, “David, because you shared your one extra cookie with Stephanie, I am giving you two more cookies.” His eyes got bigger in disbelief and a smile crossed his face. At this point, Katie spoke up and sad, “Dad, I want to share with Stephanie too!” I said, “OK sweetie, go ahead.”
She also handed a cookie to Stephanie and I immediately gave her two more. Of course, Stephanie couldn’t handle all of the cookies flowing her way as both David and Katie were handing them over as fast as I gave them more.
The promise of reward, or hope in the future, is what motivates our actions of today. The bigger and better our hope and promise of reward, the more committed and enthusiastic we will be about staying with our plan. Desire, hope and reward are all good things. But, how we achieve those desires is determined by our view of the world and our view of people.
When Paul was talking with his students, he told them, “For I am confident of this very thing, that He who began a good work in you will perfect it until the day of Christ Jesus.”
When we have a promise based on solid evidence, watered and nurtured with experience, we have the ability and grit to withstand much adversity. When there is hope in the future there is power in the present.
Don’t shy away from reward and hope in the future. The choice is yours. You can keep your two cookies for yourself, or you can share them with others. It is impossible to out give God. He will repay in His time and in the proper way.
If you are inclined to send some cookies my way, I prefer chocolate chip. (In case you were wondering) LOL
Philippians 1:6