Go For It!

RJ Regan
2 min readDec 20, 2020


“Bocastle, Cornwall” watercolor created by J.M.W. Turner

Author, Dr. Norman Vincent Peale said, “Enthusiasm makes the difference.”

Well, maybe.

If you’re an enthusiastic idiot, you’ll do a lot more damage than if you were lazy.

But, I’d rather have an enthusiastic and motivated idiot than a bum. It’s kind of like having a motorboat without a rudder. Yes, the boat will go in crazy directions, all over the lake and likely crash into the rocks at some point, but at least it’s moving. Once we outfit the boat with a rudder and a good compass, that boat can go anywhere and literally make some waves!

The bum on the other hand is like a boat without a motor. He could have the best compass and rudder of all the maritime ships, but he won’t be going anywhere.

No, give me the “motor-man” and you can keep the bum.

Did you know that enthusiasm comes from the Greek words “en” which means “in” or “within” and “theos” meaning “God.” So, enthusiasm literally means “God within you.”

King Solomon told his son, “The spirit of man is the lamp of the LORD, Searching all the innermost parts of his being.[1]

So, maybe Dr. Peale was right. God within you, or enthusiasm, does make the difference. We all have the Spirit of God within us. We are all divine creatures. The question really comes down to how bright your lamp is and where do you keep it?

Some people nurture and grow the lamp so it is white hot and it can be witnessed through their motivation and activity. Others smother the lamp and do things to diminish the light by even going so far as putting it under a table.

Ask, what feeds your spirit and kindles the flame of enthusiasm?

Dwell on those things, turn up the heat and brighten your day with enthusiasm! It really does make the difference. And when you crash into the rocks, (which you will) pick yourself up, dust yourself off, check your compass and your rudder, and then get back at it.

Opportunity mixed with difficulty; that’s life. That’s my life, that’s your life, that’s everyone’s life. So be the captain of your ship and sail to a land of your desire. If it is to be, it up to you, and you can do it.

You do have what it takes and you are better than you think you are. Go for it!

[1] Proverbs 20:27



RJ Regan
RJ Regan

Written by RJ Regan

Robert "RJ" Regan is Vice President of Business Development at The Robert Regan Group. His latest book “Decide!” was released on November 12, 2020.

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